

Our vshape program involves two machines which help in body contouring, body sculpting and toning of muscles.The two machines used in the program are called onda and hifem.

Onda uses selective microwave frequency that works at 2.45 GHZ.It uses microwaves in form of cool waves.It targets localized fat, cellulites and skin laxity.

The action of onda on localized fat; the  cool waves put pressure on the adipocytes which release lipid contents through the blabbing effect then its transferred to the plasma membrane and there after to the connective tissue.Deposit of fat causes recall of macrophage which gets rid of excess free fat through the lymphatic system.

On the cellulites;cool waves absorbed by connective tissues cause solubilization of collagen causing loss of pitted appearance of the skin, this reactivates the fibroblasts to produce new and more elastic collagen.On skin laxity, onda works to tighten and tone the loose skin.

The hifem machine uses high intense frequency electromagnet waves and works to tone and tighten muscles.

Contraindications for these machines: It is advised against for people with cardiac disorders, heart implants/pacemakers, kidney/liver failure or dysfunction,, pregnant or lactating mothers( at least 10 months postpartum), infectious diseases eg hepatitis( B,C,) people with transplanted organs and deep brain stimulated implants.

The vshape program is not a form of weightloss program and hence it should be well noted it is for body toning and contouring and not the former.It is recommended for people who have a BMI (body mass index) of less than 30 and  also works hand in hand with diet and active physical exercise for it to be effective. Nonetheless, in case someone wants to enroll in the program but has a bmi of more than 30, we have a weightloss  program called allurion which is very effective.One can opt to do the allurion program ,loose weight and then come in for the vshape program to tone the muscles incase you want to loose more localized fat or tighten muscles if there is excess skin caused by a lot of weight loss.