

What is RF microneedling?

RF Microneedling is a skin rejuvenation treatment that uses very thin needles to create microscopic injuries in the skin, which stimulates cell regeneration when combined with RF microneedling, however, also uses radiofrequency technology, which heats the skin and helps tighten it. “The heat from the device actually remodels collagen and the depth of the needles creates a controlled injury to promote elastin cells to regenerate, smoothen, and tighten the elastin fibers of the skin.

What are the benefits of Vivace RF micro-needling? 

Vivace RF Micro-needling has a ton of benefits for skin on both the face and neck and body—and it’s all thanks to its ability to trigger your collagen and elastin production. Some of the biggest benefits patients experience after treatment include:

Smoother skin texture with smaller-looking pores

A reduction in acne scars and marks

Less noticeable fines lines and wrinkles

A more “snatched” jawline and more sculpted cheekbones

Skin that looks firmer, tighter, and lifted.

Vivace vs. regular microneedling: which is better?

By adding the heat of radiofrequency energy to traditional microneedling, Vivace delivers more intense skin rejuvenation benefits than microneedling alone. Vivace’s inclusion of red or blue LED light therapy also provides extra revitalization benefits.

Who’s a good candidate for Vivace?

Vivacemicroneedling can benefit people with all skin types and tones. Your provider can control the depth and energy level of the treatment to customize it for your skin.

They can also set red or blue LED lights to pulse throughout the treatment. In LED light therapy, red light has anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates collagen production, while blue light kills bacteria. 

When correctly positioned, Vivace’s needles deliver heat deep within the tissue, without triggering the layer of melanin-producing cells that can lead to hyperpigmentation in people with deep skin tones. This makes Vivace a safer skin-rejuvenating option than most laser treatments for those with olive, brown, or dark-brown skin tones.

People with signs of aging should see an improvement in wrinkles and firmer skin, while those with dull skin will see it brighten. 

Studies show both microneedling and radiofrequency are effective treatments for stubborn acne scars, so this is a good option for people who’ve cleared up their acne but still have scars.

What can you expect after a Vivace treatment?

After you remove the sheet mask, the Vivace after care is minimal. You won’t need any true downtime, but you’ll need to keep your skin clear and free of any makeup for at least 4–6 hours, if not overnight. Microchannels were created in your skin, so it will be more receptive and sensitive to anything you apply. 

Avoid direct sun exposure, excessive sweating, and steam for the first couple of days of the healing process, too.

ow soon will you see Vivace results?

If you follow your provider’s Vivace after care instructions, your skin may start looking smoother and brighter within hours of your treatment—but significant and lasting results rely on your body’s natural production of collagen, which takes up to six weeks to develop. You’ll see the best results about four to six months after your final Vivace treatment in the initial series.