
The Allurion Gastric balloon vs. other weight loss options

Gastric balloons, gastric band, gastric bypass surgery, gastric sleeve surgery, and lap-band are all weight loss solutions that can help individuals achieve significant weight loss. However, each procedure works differently and is suitable for different types of people. Weight loss surgery (also called metabolic bariatric surgery, or MBS) involves making incisions in the abdomen to operate on the stomach or intestine. 

Gastric band involves placing a band around the stomach to create a smaller pouch, while gastric bypass surgery involves rerouting the intestine to reduce the amount of food absorbed by the body. Lap-band is a type of gastric band that is placed laparoscopically.

After gastric sleeve surgery, you could lose up to 30% of your total body weight loss at 1-year follow-up.5 However, as with any weight-loss treatment, a healthy diet and regular exercise are needed to keep the weight off. You may also need to take vitamin and mineral replacement therapy over the long term to guard against deficiencies.

Allurion Gastric Balloon

It’s important to note, however, that gastric sleeve surgery cannot be reversed. In addition, the restricted stomach area can expand after surgery, reducing the impact that the surgery had on fullness and thus weight loss effectiveness. Gastric bypass surgery can sometimes be performed later to address this.

In contrast, the gastric balloon is a minimally invasive option that offers a safe alternative for individuals who may not be suitable for surgery due to medical reasons or who prefer a less invasive approach. Unlike surgery, the gastric balloon procedure is reversible and is removed after its intended stay in the stomach.
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