
Expected symptoms with the balloon.

We have expected symptoms that are associated with the balloon. The most common are nausea and vomiting, acid reflux and abdominal cramps which are mostly experienced within the first few days after placement. Others that vary with different clients include bloating, constipation and diarrhoea. Not to worry, our doctor prescribes medication to help curb these symptoms.

These symptoms are mostly experienced within the first few days but the intensity of the symptoms varies from person to person because our bodies are different. On day one the most common symptoms are nausea and vomiting, most of the clients have reported episodes of vomiting, especially through the first night and the second day, these symptoms then subside within the third and and fourth day. On the fourth day, one may experience abdominal cramps and this is mostly associated with hunger cramps. If the hunger cramps are associated with nausea and vomiting we maintain on the liquid diet but if there is cramps and no vomiting we can transition to solid foods or rather soft foods.

After transitioning to solid foods, from day six or seven, one might start to experience bloating constipation or diarrhoea and this is mostly caused by the body’s reaction to the balloon and usually reduces with regulation and substitution with a variety of foods. Within the first two weeks at most, the symptoms are usually gone and your body can function normally.