
Diet with the Vshape program

Being on a modified diet that meets the daily calorie requirements whilst doing the Vshape program is highly commendable. The action of the onda machine on localized fat, cellulites and skin laxity puts pressure on the adipocyte cells causing solubilization of fat which in turn releases lipid content to the connective tissues and is later taken out through the lymphatic system.

To see significant results the client is advised to be physically active. This includes gym workouts, cardio, weight lifting or aerobics. Physical exercise helps in the breakdown of fats and the building of muscle, hence making it easier to lose accumulative fat with the onda machine. Build up of muscle through physical exercise helps to get rid of skin laxity /loose skin. Our life machine which we use in the vshape program helps in toning and tightening of the muscles, which is more effective when used concurrently with physical activity.

The recommended diet for the vshape program includes either a calorie deficit diet or a modified diet plan which may also include keto diet, vegan and vegetarian diets or intermittent fasting. The diet plan should be modified to meet daily calorie requirements but limited to high-calorie foods( animal proteins, high intake of simple carbohydrates), this is because our goal is to reduce the intake of calories to limit the accumulation of localized fat, hence increase the effectiveness of the onda machine.