
Weight & Sex Life

Obese people are literally having heavy sex. An increase in body weight can lead to a rise in sex hormone-binding globulin, which causes the sex hormone testosterone to fall. Being overweight can negatively impact your sex life, hence the need to jump into a weight loss program in Kenya today.

Due to a drop in the sex hormone, sexual desires and libido may decrease drastically, which can, in turn, impact your sex drive.

 Effects of Body Weight on Sex Life 

Being overweight affects sexual function because:

Being overweight affects sexual function because:

  • Overweight persons have poor blood flow to the genitals due to narrowing blood vessels, which is essential to reach an orgasm.
  • Overweight people tend to have lower stamina or energy, which may hamper sexual performance.
  • Overweight men are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. Obesity lowers testosterone in men, making it hard to achieve or maintain an erection.
  • If one partner is obese, some sexual positions can be challenging. You may have to stick to one or two comfortable positions for both partners.

Obese individuals are also more likely to suffer from depression and high blood pressure, and medications used to treat these diseases can also affect their sex drive. Therefore, individuals can engage in programs that involve medicine, technology, and a good diet plan for weight loss. 

Factors Affecting Sex Drive 

 The factors that affect sex drive in women include pelvic organ prolapse, vaginal infections, vaginal dryness, history of sexual abuse, pregnancy, and menopause. Obesity can also result in infertility and difficulty in conception among women. In teenagers, it advances puberty in girls while it delays puberty in boys. 

 Factors that affect sex drive in men include erectile dysfunctions, premature ejaculation, performance anxiety, low testosterone, and excessive alcohol consumption. Low testosterone levels in overweight men can affect the development of their voice, muscles, sexual organs, and strong bones. 

Allurion Weight Loss Program

 Lack of self-confidence can make you have a horrible sex life, no matter how gorgeous your partner is. 

  Are you sexually inactive and looking for a weight loss program to enhance your self-confidence and up your game in bed? Contact us today and start your Allurion weight loss journey.  

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