
4 Weight Loss Tips in Kenya That Are Good for Your Teeth

Good dental hygiene is one of the most highly recommended healthcare practices. There are various weight loss tips in Kenya that are good for your teeth. Good dental hygiene involves a healthy diet, regular brushing, and a visit to the dentist. Bacteria in our mouth can contribute to several conditions, including heart disease, respiratory infections, and diabetic complications

Good Hygiene & Healthy Body Weight

Good dental hygiene helps in maintaining healthy body weight. Oral health issues can impact the body’s hormone levels and overall inflammation, as bacteria are more likely to spread from the mouth in people with poor dental health. The poor tooth & gum care, bacteria buildup, and chronic inflammation encourage weight gain since the body is constantly dealing with inflammation and not absorbing nutrients properly.

Weight Loss Tips

Allurion program, a weight loss program in Kenya that is offered at Vivace Cosmetics & Laser Clinics, helps overweight individuals lose weight while feeling full.  Inflammation slows down the production of leptin, the protein that helps you feel full. Less leptin means you feel hungry more often, eat more frequently, and gain more weight. 

Weight Loss Tips in Kenya 

Exercise is very critical in any weight loss program in Kenya. Still, poor dental health can make working out feel more difficult, as the body burns resources to combat the infection. Below are the weight loss tips in Kenya that are good for your teeth. 

Eat Fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are high in water and fiber. They are some of the best weight loss foods. This enables them to balance the sugars and help clean your teeth. Fruits and vegetables also influences the production of saliva. Saliva is important in neutralizing acid, hence protecting teeth from cavities.

Eat Grains

Your weight loss diet should at least have whole grains or low-sugar slices of bread and cereals like brown rice.

Eat Protein

To see impressive results of your weight loss program in Kenya and maintain good dental health, you should choose proteins such as lean beef, skinless poultry, and fish.

You should also include eggs, beans, peas, and legumes as part of your basket of proteins. This family of foods are rich in phosphorus, which can help keep your mouth healthy. The proteins also help keep you feeling fuller for more extended amounts of time.

Take Dairy Products

When taking dairy products, choose low-fat or fat-free dairy foods. Dairy products, for example, milk, yogurt and cheese are low in sugar, which is good for your dental health. They also contain protein and calcium, good for healthy teeth and gums.

Lose Weight Through Allurion Weight Loss Program in Kenya

Diet is essential in a weight loss program and dental health. The Allurion weight loss program in Kenya uses technology and a nutritional approach to tackle Kenya’s obesity and overweight issues.

Are you looking for a program that results in 15kgs weight loss in just 16 weeks? Contact us today, start your weight loss journey and Lose weight Fast.

1 thought on “4 Weight Loss Tips in Kenya That Are Good for Your Teeth”

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